Agent Bean to the Rescue

If your outbound team does any manual task repetitively on the web, automate it with us and spend time on customizing reach outs and building relationships with clients instead

20+ automations for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Community platforms and Marketplaces

Linking different social platforms

Pick the automation, fill2-4 inputs and start getting results in few seconds

Settings to start getting automation results

Scrape jobs data to access technographic data

Scrape Customer reviews from the internet to analyze brand sentiments.

Stitch various agents to automate prospecting and outreach with Beanbag AI

List of Automations on Beanbag AI

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Slack Community Members scraper

Use this Slack Agent Bean to collect any Slack Community members data in one place for your usage.

LinkedIn Group Message Sender

Automatically Send messages to any LinkedIn group you are part of using this Agent Bean.

LinkedIn Message Sender

Send normal LinkedIn messages to your connections using this Message Sender Agent Bean.

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